Donaciones planificadas

Las donaciones planificadas proporcionan esperanza y beneficios

Your generosity to Cancer Support Community can do so much – you can leave a lasting imprint on the world and truly help those confronting cancer for generations to come. Thoughtful estate planning is also an astute and fulfilling way to achieve your personal financial goals, provide clarity to your family, and ensure that your philanthropic vision is realized as you wish.

Cancer Support Community’s Legacy of Hope Society

Cancer Support Community has a very special community of supporters who are dedicated to making certain that CSC is there even after their lifetimes – the Sociedad del Legado de la Esperanza. La pertenencia a la Sociedad del Legado de la Esperanza is extended when an individual makes Cancer Support Community a beneficiary of his or her estate plan.

Los beneficios incluyen:

  • Paquete de bienvenida que expresa nuestra gratitud
  • Carta especial con cada boletín trimestral del Presidente del Comité de Donaciones Planificadas de CSC
  • Invitation to Cancer Support Community’s annual Legacy of Hope Society & Board Reunion Celebration, where you and other like-minded people are recognized for your legacy giving for families facing cancer
  • Your name, if you choose, to be featured on Cancer Support Community’s website, in our Annual Report, and on our Donor Wall in CSC’s living room
  • Personal visit with Cancer Support Community’s Chief Executive Officer

Esperamos que se una a este grupo fundacional y preciado. Su donación tendrá un gran impacto en las vidas de los pacientes con cáncer y sus seres queridos... hoy y mañana. 

¿Preguntas? Llame al 626.796.1083, o si está listo para establecer su legado,
por favor, rellene el siguiente formulario. Gracias.

Cancer Support Community Legacy of Hope Society Members

Melissa Alcorn
Marshalene Anderson
Rosemari Annear
Kal Antoun
Ligia Ashook
Terry Beyer
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Bird
Debbie Bolton
Alice and Loren Brodhead
Huw Christopher
Laurie and Tom Daly
Ellen Driscoll
Mary Galloway
Suzanne and Brian Gilman
Richard C. Gilman
Helen Hancock
Arlene Harder
Brenda Lee Hastings
LeAnn and Michael Healy
Joseph R. Henry
Gloria H. Hoversten
Joseph Jacobs

Maggie Jagels
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Jameson
Christopher Johnson
Sharon Kelley
Anne Kennedy and Dr. Peter Kennedy
John Kulli
Vicki Laidig
Ginny Lechler
Marsha and Andrew Lewis
Marguerite Marsh Ph.D. and Robert Marsh M.D.
Diane and Craig Martin
Elizabeth Mejia
Serge Melkizian
Laurie and Chris Mitchell
Dana and Michael Naples
Patricia and Steve Ostiller
Gordon Pashgian
Jacqueline Pick
Sheila Psaila
William Quiros
Sue and Steve Ralph

Coral Reid
Mark Russakow
Lora and Robert Sandroni
Penelope Schopflin
Janet Schulman
Bernadette Sherman
Peggy Smith
Betsy Snyder and Clay Marquardt
Kathleen Spellman
Anise Stevens
Pam and Les Stocker
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Streng
Meg and John Symes
Maura and Sean Townley & Family
Lydia Valenta
The Valenta Family
Lupe Vela
Louise Jane Saffman Wannier
Laura Wending
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zeilstra

Names in bold type indicate that their bequests have been received by Cancer Support Community.

La creación de su legado comienza con la imaginación del futuro, pero es necesario actuar para convertirlo en realidad. Hay muchas posibilidades de planificación patrimonial que puede considerar, junto con la orientación de su asesor financiero. Para empezar, puede elegir entre el siguiente menú de opciones:

Cómo elegir una donación planificada


Regalos de su cuenta IRA

Anualidades benéficas

Donación de fondos

Regalos de seguros de vida

Regalos de bienes inmuebles

Regalos de acciones o fondos de inversión

Donar a través de un fideicomiso